Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween 2014: The Russian Invasion

I love to make my children's Halloween costumes. I am not the mom that makes crazy detailed costumes, but I do like to come up with something different and fun. However, I knew that would be a tall order this year. I was just getting my sewing area set up after all. So, I conned, I mean asked the girls if they would like to wear their costumes from last year. (You can read about the nesting doll costumes here.) With the promise of new tights, I got yeses all around. Two Russian Nesting Dolls coming up! That mean that I would only have to come up with a costume for Shortcake. What goes with Russian nesting dolls? Why a little Russian man, oh course. (I thought about a bottle of vodka, but decided to keep it kid friendly.)
I have to say, Shortcake makes a very handsome little Ruskie! (Vest tutorial: here, Hat tutorial (minus the brim): here, and boot tutorial: here.)

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