Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Video Chat with Five Year Old Peachy

Last year I started asking Peachy some questions on her birthday with the thought of asking her the same questions every year. This year I decided to video tape the Q and A session. We happened to start watching some of the home video clips one evening recently and I was reminded of how important it is to video your children. Pictures are great, but nothing captures their personality and freezes it in time like a live action shot. You forget their little voices and mannerisms.
Here is the link to last year's post and here is this year's video. I caught captured her in her element, creating art!
I liked how many of the answers remained the same. It was fun to talk with her and compare the two after taping this year's answers.

1 comment :

  1. I love this idea! I really want to do this for birthdays maybe starting this year at age 3. This will be so adorable to watch as they get older too :)
