Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I'm Just Mad About Citron

Around this time of year, many bloggers introduce their word of the year. While I don't think this is a bad idea, I just know that it isn't for me. This year I decided that I should just pick a color of the year. I love colors. I love how colors can take an ordinary object and make it feel 100% different. I love how colors can make me feel 100% different. So without further ado, I submit to you my 2014 Color of the Year:
Do you know what it is?
Doesn't the name just make you think of happy spring days sitting in the grass drinking lemonade? (Okay, that may be going a bit far, but I happen to like the name citron.
The funny thing is that I thought this color was a recent obsession for me, and then I looked up as I typed this and realized that two large walls in our house happen to be this color.
Brush Meadow by Valspar
(I went back to some of my first blog posts for this picture. It was fun to look through them and see the house so neat and tidy and new! It is amazing how a house fills up over 4+ years and 2+ children!)
I have also curated a Citron treasury on Etsy. Be sure to go and check out all of these great handmade items HERE.
So, what about you, what's your color of the year?

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